Title: Making team science better: applying improvement-oriented evaluation principles to evaluation of cooperative research centers
Year: 2008
Description: A book chapter arguing that although recent CRC evaluation efforts have gone a long way toward meeting the needs of groups interested in accountability, they do little to meet the needs of inexperienced scientist managers who try to lead and manage these organizationally complex initiatives. An exception to this trend is described: the improvement-oriented evaluation strategy pioneered by the National Science Foundation IUCRC program.
Authors: Gray, D.O.
Fields: General
Subjects: Accountability
Collaboration, Academic
Units: Institute
Source: In C. L. S. Coryn & M. Scriven (Eds.), Reforming the evaluation of research. New Directions for Evaluation, 118, 73-87
Type: Bookchapter
Language: English
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Last Modified: 04-10-2012