Case studies

Case studies

SIAMPI conducted case studies in the following fields:

  • Nanotechnology
  • ICT
  • Health
  • Social and human sciences

SIAMPI indicators for Productive Interactions:

personal interaction
between stakeholders

interaction between stakeholders through media or ‘carriers’

material interaction
between stakeholders

·         Face-to-face meetings
(For example consultation rounds with stakeholders)

·         Double functions, other mobility arrangements

·         Phone conferences

·         Presentations

·         Email

·         Social media

·         Conference

·         Videoconferencing

·         Public debate

·         Radio, tv, internet

·         Etc

·         Academic journals (scientific publications)

·         Non academic journals

·         Professional journals

·         Popular media

·         Exhibitions

·         Artefacts, models

·         Films

·         Master theses, graduate projects

·         Standards, protocols (for example medical guidelines)

·         Annual plans, implementation plans

·         Social media

·         Etc

·         Research contracts, public and private, and mixed, national, international

·         Facility, instruments, sharing

·         Start ups

·         Contribution ‘in kind’ (people)

·         IPR arrangements, contracts, patents, licenses, project grants

·         Lump sum grants

·         Professional training

·         Other stakeholder interest

·         Etc

Indicators of Productive Interactions are context-dependent, as they can have multiple meanings depending on different social contexts. Because of their context-dependency, indicators differ per research field and are developed in collaboration with stakeholders. For example, SIAMPI makes use of focusgroups to determine specified indicators for each research field.

Last Modified: 24-07-2012